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- Electric Charge
We are energy, simply and simply that we are. Everything that surrounds us is the product of an energy exchange that occurs at the molecular level in proportions unknown to me, but that somehow ends up affecting the mood or the present state of our way of being in a different way at the precise moment in which that you realize that there is something that does not fit, it is not correct or it does not feel pretty. Trying to be the best person I can be and do what is honestly within my reach according to my faculties, knowledge, and mental battery level, I sometimes find myself in a three and two that I don't even know how to deal with. Still, it definitely activates my instincts FF that is Fight or flight! bad thing 80 percent of my day is surrounded by an energetic charge that overwhelms me, but that I try to control, I have never felt anything like this in my life, it is very interesting. At this time I walk with 30 crystals on me, baths in flowery water, and light Nag Champa when I can to feel that the load that is around me is relieved, that the seas are leveling and that the waters are returning to their course. In the long run, I end up exhausted, but I have to keep walking because this is what makes me stronger!
- Is not what you say!...
¡It really is how you say things! We complain a lot about the things that happen in our lives, how they treat us, how others respond to us, or what we do, say, etc. But are we really aware of the way we say things? The tone, the speed, and the words we choose play an important role in our communication, we have to be very aware and be very careful with the things we say, how we tell them, in what tone, at what speed, and body language (something difficult to do) with which we communicate to understand if others are receiving the message as we are sending it. We definitely need to tone down the way we communicate, but still be honest, genuine, and truly who we are. If others are bothered by what we say, what we think, or what we express to them, as long as it is done with respect, then let them live with it. Let's speak our truth without disrespecting or violating the rights of others, let's learn to listen, understand, understand and consider everyone's opinion. In short, learn to speak your truth without hurting anyone and you will live much happier, but remember that it is not what you say, it is how you say it.
- Hay que dar lo mejor de uno.
Es un concepto difícil de entender en algunas ocasiones, pero no importa lo que hagas siempre debes dar lo mejor de ti, tratar lo más que puedas y brindar el servicio que es requerido para lograr lo que se tiene como meta. En muchos lugares no siempre es apreciado, pero digamos que es por pura satisfacción personal. Tratar siempre de ser lo mejor que se pueda ser, no necesariamente ser el mejor (aunque esto no estaría nada mal) pero si intentar ser la mejor versión de uno que se pueda en el momento y dar la milla extra siempre trae gratificación personal, aunque vuelvo y repito, no siempre sea apreciado por los demás. En mi caso, yo trato hasta el cansancio, hasta que se me funden las neuronas y ya no puedo más, intento ser el mejor o tan bueno como el mejor, sin competencia ni envidia, pero tampoco me dejo pisar por nadie, intento dar lo mejor de mi, todos mis conocimientos y lo que voy aprendiendo en el camino. No siempre me es posible lograr lo que quiero pero trato de que lo que hago salga como mejor puedo, hago las cosas con amor y cariño mas trato de ser genuino en mis opiniones, aunque juego el juego en muchos momentos. Tratar de dar lo mejor de ti, hacer tu mejor esfuerzo y apreciar cual sea el resultado es siempre gratificante. No siempre llegaremos a la meta pero por lo menos hay que intentar acercarse.